Does your law firm need help moving your web site because your hosting provider isn’t supporting you any more? Or do you need a new site? I can help.
I have worked for law firms before and I have helped Jasper Fogerty Lawyers build and promote their web site so I have the experience to help you.
I can re-create your web site on a different hosting platform and provide ongoing support and maintenance for a very competitive price.
Alternatively, we can discuss changing the look and feel of your site as part of the relocation process.
Some firms may be in a position where their web site needs to be moved by the end of the financial year. Contact me today for more information and we can get started immediately so you have the smallest amount of down time as possible.
You can browse examples of my previous work in my portfolio. Be sure to check out Jasper Fogerty Lawyers’ web site for an example of a well structured and professionally designed web site
Contact me today for more information.