Facebook and WordPress Integration Changes

If you are a WordPress user, there have been some changes recently that you should be aware of. You can no longer share WordPress posts directly to Facebook profiles as of 8 August, 2018.

Firstly, if you are sharing WordPress posts to Facebook Pages, this will not affect you. The changes only relate to using WordPress sharing tools to publish posts to Facebook Profiles. If you are not sure of the difference between a Facebook Profile and a Facebook Page, read this explanation supplied by Facebook.

The most popular WordPress sharing plugin is Publicize which is part of Jetpack and this change directly affects its effectiveness. If you are sharing to a Facebook Profile, you should make a change immediately because your posts will not be getting published to Facebook.

The easiest way to fix this is to change the Facebook Profile into a Facebook Page. Facebook have been sprouting the differences between Pages and Profiles so some time, saying that Profiles are designed for use by a person, whereas Pages are designed to be used by entities, groups, businesses etc.

So this is a mechanism they can use to try and move people away from Profiles in favour of Pages.

If you want any more information about this or other internet related questions, please add your comment below.